#Repost GCIRCUIT with @repostsaveapp
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Are you ready for the ultimate Wet Closing Party?
#GCIRCUIT is going to close #SONGKRAN2019 with a fantastic aquatic extravaganza! Get ready for dry and wet zones within the dance hall, one of our most elaborate productions ever and the sexiest shows we have ever produced! Shuttle buses, GRAB and taxi booths are available at the party venue to facilitate transportation. Stay tuned for more info!
你准备好参加终极湿身闭幕派对了吗?GCIRCUIT 将以一场奇幻的水底世界大汇演来圆满落幕今年的泼水节盛会!请来我们史上最精心策划 干湿分区的华丽舞池尽情玩乐,以及欣赏史上最性感撩人的表演秀吧!派对现场提供接驳公车,GRAB服务以及的士服务据点,让您能有轻松便捷的交通往返。更多详情,请持续关注!
#SK2019 #WetEdition #BestNightEver